AlphaKnot 2.0 Database Statistics
Protein models deposited in our database - total number 1: 1144494
Protein models predicted using AlphaFold v41: 681469
Protein models predicted using ESM v12: 457042
Protein models predicted using AlphaFold v1 (All categories)1: 5983
Protein models predicted using AlphaFold v1 and classified as confirmed AF1 knots1: 348
Protein models predicted using AlphaFold v1 and classified as AF1 artifacts1: 2929
Protein models predicted using AlphaFold v1 and classified as AF1 unsure1: 65
List of all models for which knots were computed for Download:all.txt.gz
List of AlphaFold v4 unknotted structures with a probability of the main knot < 0.42 and/or probability of unknot (01) >= 0.5 (500 MB)af4unknotted.tsv.gz
List of AlphaFold v4 structures that were not tested for the existence of knots due to a low AlphaFold structure prediction score (pLDDT < 70) (110 MB)af4pLDDTlow.tsv.gz

1 Total number of protein models from all organisms.

2 ESM models were generated by the AlphaKnot team using the published ESM fold v1 model from Nov. 2022.